The choice of fabric colors promotes the healing effect you want to achieve.
Materials List:
5- 3"x4" pieces of fabric. Colors determined by the
healing effect you want as determined by the meanings
listed below.
8" piece of 18 ga. craft wire.
4 wooden beads.
Small amount of polyfill.
Needle and strong thread.
Ratail, a chain, ribbon or leather cord for necklace. I
used an old one that the clasp was missing. I liked the
Color Meanings:
Red- energizes and stimulates.
Orange- broadens the mind, helps to cope.
Yellow- heals the elimination system, balances and stabilizes.
Green- heals the heart, overcomes fear, creates energy balances.
Turquoise- promotes restfullness.
Blue- gives piece of mind, promotes most healing.
Violet- raises self-esteem and promotes spiritual peace.
Pink- promotes self love and friendships.
Black- stabilizes all.
Trace pattern on to a small piece of card stock. (pattern piece
should measure 2"x1 1/4".) Fold the fabric in half, right sides together, trace pattern directly onto fabric. Stitch around on the line, leaveing an opening for turning and stuffing. Cut out
leaving a 1/8" seam allowance and clipping all curves. Make 5 In all.
Make a 1/4" loop in one end of wire. Push on a doll, a bead, and
another doll. Repeat until finished. Make another 1/4" loop and cut off excess wire. Cut a 20" or 24" piece of ratail, ribbon, chain or leather cord. The chain can be applied to wire loops
and closed tightly. With the other cords, push through loops and glue, then wrap tightly with a small piece of wire.