Sizing patterns

Someone on an Aussie list asked for the formula for  enlarging     patterns.  I replied, then thought  more of you might want this info to save.

I  included what to do with the number you get after you do

the math.  This also works when printing from  online, if they

include a 1" or some other  scale to check your size.  I'll add that

calculation at the bottom.  (I am likely to type something wrong, so

if you catch it, please respond to the lists so we  can all correct


The original question gave the example of how large to  make it if it

is 75% of the original.  I said  that SD&A said 134%, but that I

didn't see how.  Then I did the math:

The math formula as given to me by my brother The math formula as given to me by my brother

Divide what you want by what you've got.  Oh, heck, I did the math

and they are right, it's 134%,  LOL!!

Okay,  it's like this:

You want 100%, you've got 75%. 100 divided by 75 = 1.33333 --

enlarge by 134% (set your copier at 134% or if using computer,

multiply the pixel sizes by 134% and enter them in  the width and

height  boxes)

You want 18 cm, you've got  14 cm. 18 divided by 14 = 1.285 enlarge by 129%

To reduce  

You want 14 cm, you have 18 cm.  14  divided by 18 = .777 -- reduce

to 78% (set copier at 78%, or if using computer, multiply the pixel

sizes by .78 and enter the results in the width  and height boxes)

 You don't have  to understand it to be able to do it, just write it

down, "divide what you want by what you've  got."

If you have a 1" mark to work with, first measure it  to see what it

printed out at.  It is easier  if your turn the fractions into

decimals. I  only know the easy ones off the top of my head.  Use

the one closest to the mark and it should be close  enough when you


1/8" =.125

1/4" = .25

1/3" = .33

1/2" = .5

3/4" = .75


You want the mark to be 1", your mark is 2/3" (.66)  long 1 divided

by .66 = 1.51  Set the copier  to 151% or multiply the width and

height numbers by 1.51


You want the mark to be 1", your mark is 1 1/4"  (1.25) long. 1

divided by 1.25 = .8  Set the  copier to 80% or multiply your width

and height numbers by .8

As I said, you don't have to understand it, just  print this and put

it with your dolly stuff,  then take it step by step when you need to

enlarge or reduce.

Aileen Fish