Critique is from Gladi Alford
This is a critique evaluation form a judge uses on another site, its her own that she used at the AV show..I find
these most interesting and thought I would pass it on to all you ladies. Hugs, KAT CRITIQUE/EVALUATION FORM
Each doll is evaluated on its own merit and is not compared to other entries
for this Critique. 100 - 90 points = Blue Ribbon, 89 -90 points = Red Ribbon, 79 - 70 = White 1. EXPRESSIVE IMPACT 20 Possible Points Strong Visual Impact/Emotion Evoked
2. DESIGN ORIGINALITY 20 Possible Points Designed own unique form or Creative use of Commercial Pattern 3. INNOVATION 5 Possible Points
Something new and never seen in either form, concept, or technique, or successfully solved a difficult problem 4. IMAGINATIOn 10 Possible Points
Unusual degree of imagination with regard to portraying the human condition, a plaything, or cultural object
Neat construction Sewing/Gluing/Attaching Good Choice of Materials Interesting/Innovative use of Materials Appropiate/Effective in Achieving Overall Design Success
Costume Shows Good Color Coordination Good Scaling of Fabrics and Trims Costume Well Designed Costume Fits Well 6. ANATOMY 15 Possible Points
(Choose applicable of following two) I. ANATOMICAL DESIGN REALISTIC INTENT Harmonious in ALL Elements Reflects Believable Human Anatomy Scale and Proportion is Uniform
All Parts Match in Type and Execution II. ANATOMICAL DESIGN ABSTRACT INTENT Harmonious in All Elements Shows Good Consideration of Form Whole is Balanced and Proportionate
Shows Consideration of Anatomy in Abstract Design 7. PAINTING OR SURFACE FINISH TREATMENT 15 Possible Points
Shows Good Use of Chosen Technique, No Parts Incomplete, or Problems Left Unresolved. Shows Good Control of Chosen Medium
I then have a half page blank that is reserved for additional comments.