Designing Doll and Choosing Colors
How To Begin
The purpose for creating a healing doll is obvious. To promote the
healing of someone that is close to you or yourself that is the purpose. My philosophy and belief stipulates that these be done for the good of the individual/s in order for them to work. We are not in the business of causing harm. I have made healing dolls for many types of illness and emotional distress. The first thing you need to establish is who needs the healing, then what type of healing needs to be encouraged. Once you have those two things in mind then you need to prepare your mind for the creative adventure ahead.
Step One
You need to obtain some basic information from the recipient of the doll
in order to get a clear idea of the person you are trying to help. First, get a name. This is very important in establishing the energy connection with the dollâ€s owner. Next get a date of birth. The month, day and year will be just fine. The third thing I always ask for is if they are attracted to certain colors at this time in their life. Believe it or not you may actually use this color in the doll at some point. You are now ready to go on to the next step.
Step Two
The process of preparing the mind for creating anything can be achieved in
many ways. The best process I have discovered is to first place yourself in a meditative state. This calms the mind and allows you to receive any intuitive information that may help you create your doll. I have included a creative visualization that helps me focus my mind.
If you are having trouble charging up those creative batteries give the
following exercise a try. This always works for me. Listed here are the steps for a creative visualization exercise. It is a great way to relax your body and give your creative self a chance to communicate with you. Before you begin get a notebook for writing in and a pen. Now find a quiet spot in your home where you will not be disturbed for at least 30 minutes. Do not answer the phone during your exercise. This time is for you to get to know yourself better. Sit in a comfortable chair. Do not lay down because you may fall asleep. Now that you have prepared your special quiet place you are ready. It is OK to listen to soft instrumental music, burn incense or candles if that helps enhance the mood. Step one, sit comfortably in your chair and close your eyes. Breathe in a regular steady fashion one way to regulate your breathing is to inhale through your nose on a count of six. Hold your breath for a count of one and exhale through your nose on a count of six. Keep this rhythm going for a few minutes. While you breathe envision a white light filling your body with each breath. Notice how it fills every part of your body. As this light enters and begins to fill you allow it to push out the stress and tension that has built up. Feel your muscles relax. Keep breathing in a rhythmic fashion.
Step Three
After you have completed step two you are ready to go to a special place. I would also like to point out that it is OK if your mind chatters
allot. That is normal. Don’t try and force it to shut up. Eventually it will slow down on it's own. Just keep breathing until you notice the noise subsiding. Now as you breathe imagine
yourself walking to a special place. This place is your creative center. This is where all of you creating comes from. Your special place can be any place that gives you a feeling of joy and
happiness. Some envision a forest or garden. Others see a seashore or mountain top. This part is up to you. Now that you have your place in mind look around you and take in all that you see. Notice the
colors, smells and sounds. You can make it anyway you want. Take a few moments to survey your creative space. You are now ready for step three.
When you are ready you can now ask for a doll spirit to come and visit
with you. I usually ask for a new doll spirit to come and introduce itself to me. I call them doll spirits because they haven’t been born yet. In asking for a visitor be open to what appears. Don’t try and force and idea. Let it come to you. Sometimes they can be a little shy. Be patient. It may require you to ask again. When the doll spirit appears welcome them and notice everything about them that you can. .Take time to look at their body, hair eyes, and costume. Pay attention to every detail you can. Remember everything you see. Take as much time as you need for this meeting. Sometimes I even have conversations with these doll spirits. You may have this experience too.
When you are ready, thank the doll spirit for it’s visit and begin your walk back to your quiet room. After you have returned takes a few moments
to wake yourself up. Now in your notebook write down everything you remember about the doll spirit. Describe in as much detail as you can colors textures and patterns. Writing down this information right after
you return is essential because it is fresh in your memory. You are now ready to go forth and create.
Now that you have established the type of healing , for whom, and conceptual idea of how the doll should look it’s time to began the deign process. You
have basically two choices here. You can go with a predefined pattern or you can design your own. With those two choices in mind it is important that you keep the doll simple. :You can certainly embellish to your hearts content but, I feel it is important to keep the doll itself as simple as you can without compromising the design. A basic rag doll pattern works well for most purposes but, sometimes you may need to create an animal doll or just need something a little different. If you don’t want to design your own than go with a pattern you feel best conveys your idea. However, if you would like to try and design your own doll I am going to offer you some simple ways to start.
Designing your own doll is not an impossible task. Especially if you
break down the body into simple shapes. Many designers do this when they begin to create a new doll. You can refer to figure 1 to see what I mean. The head can be a circle, oval or egg shape. The neck is a cylinder or rectangle. The body is a square or rectangle depending on how you want the doll to look. The arms and legs are just simple tubes or rectangles and the hands and feet can be ovals. All you have to do is play around with placement of these basic elements to get the pose and proportions you want. It is a lot of fun to experiment using different shapes for the individual body parts.
Once you have the general layout of the body pieces it needs to come
together. Next you draw connecting lines between the separate elements to refine the shape a bit. Another thing to keep in mind. When you are ready to draw the final pattern pieces add a quarter of an inch all the way around the shape. This will compeeeensate for stuffing. Your flat shape will change dramatically when it is sewn and stuffed. So increaseing the dimension of your pattern by that amount will help maintain the originol look you wanted.
This is a very simplistic way of designing your own doll but, it works.
One doll designer that uses this method is Sally Lampi. I personally use this method most of the time. Also, it is a good idea to study different techniques for designing a doll. There are several good books out there to help. It may take a couple of trial runs to get the doll just the way you want it but, remember to have fun with it. Joy is one of the greatest healing energies to infuse your doll with.